How to Remove Old Insulation in Existing Homes

These days it is universally acknowledged that home insulation contributes to increased thermal comfort and reduced energy consumption and consequently carbon emissions. In fact, many people report having earned back the cost of the insulation investment within the first two to three years through reduced energy bills. That is to say, had they not invested in thermal insulation, they would have paid the same amount of money over the next few years anyway through significantly higher energy bills. So, what are the critical aspects of the house that require insulation? What will have the biggest effect on thermal comfort and energy consumption? And is the old insulation bad?
Ceiling Insulation an Instant Winner
Installing ceiling insulation is by far the most effective way of keeping your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. It is quite possible to save up to 45 percent of the energy consumption that is used by heating and cooling systems by installing insulation in the ceiling. It so happens that this is also the easiest place to install insulation in existing homes.
Roof Insulation Removal – is it Necessary?
If you are installing new insulation in an existing home, there may already be some old insulation there. Depending on its condition, it may not need to be removed and might even provide a slightly increased performance r-value. If, however, the insulation has been exposed to excessive moisture, it should definitely be removed. Not only does wet insulation essentially lose most of its r-value, but it also provides a perfect environment for mould to grow. Another reason to remove the old insulation is that it simply has very little value left in it. The quality of insulation that was imported decades ago cannot compare to the material that is produced today.
How to Remove Old Insulation from the Ceiling
Removing insulation is not a particularly technical task and some home owners are more than happy to do their own ceiling insulation removal. Usually it’s just a matter of lifting out the batts from between the timber joists and picking up the bits and pieces that may have become separated from the original batt. However, there are many reasons that customers look into booking in an attic insulation removal. They might:
·       Not want to touch the insulation material
·       Suffer from asthma or other dust allergies
·       Not physically be able to get into the ceiling
·       Not have the time to do it themselves
·       Not like the idea of climbing into the roof cavity
… just to mention a few.
Safety Considerations for a Roof Insulation Removal
Anyone removing old insulation from their ceiling should take the necessary safety precautions. It is recommended that personal protective equipment be worn during the insulation removal. Safety glasses and a dust mask should be worn as there is typically a lot of dust in these environments that is easily stirred up. Fibres will detach themselves quite easily from the insulation batts as they are removed from between the ceiling joists as well. Most people feel more comfortable wearing long pants and long sleeves, as the insulation can cause itchiness when it comes into contact with the skin. Care should be taken when moving around the roof cavity only to stand on the wooden beams.


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